TS6 Together Board Members

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Below are representatives from across various organisations including education, police and crime, charities, community groups and elected members, who represent the TS6 community.

To sit on the Board, all TS6 Together Board Members must read and sign a Code of Conduct, Terms of Reference and Declaration of Interest forms, to meet strict transparency criteria, as set by the UK Government. To view the latest versions of these documents, please click here (for Declaration of Interest) and here (for Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference).

Name and Photo

Jason Faulkner
Deputy Chief Executive, Education Training Collective &
Principal, Redcar & Cleveland College
Chair, TS6 Together Board

Jason has over 20 years experience in Further Education, following a career in the Army spanning 14 years and serving in various countries around the world. The portfolio of educational experience encompasses 10 years as a senior manager in further Education with 5 1/2 years as the Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College.

Whilst as the Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College, Jason has turned round the fortunes of the College, putting it at the heart of its communities and serving the businesses and stakeholders to meet their skills needs.

Jason is a strong, inspirational leader with a strategic vision and a demonstrable history of success. Extensive experience of building transformational partnerships and leading organisational change. Leading on whole College activities and Group responsibilities; including Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College, Senior leader for Neta Training, and a range of Group responsibilities as part of the Education Training Collective.

Using his previous military experience of 14 years has enabled Jason, as a leader, to build trust, lead with empathy, support and be relied upon to make decisions that influence change.

Sue Jeffrey
Director, South Bank Community Land Trust

Sue has lived in the South Bank Ward of TS6 for the last 44 years. She had a long career in housing, regeneration, and regional policy at a senior level, taking early retirement in 2008.

Since that time, she has represented her area as an elected Councillor, including serving for four years as Leader of the Council 2015 – 2019.

Sue stepped down from the Council in 2023 but has retained an active role in South Bank. She is a Volunteer Director of the South Bank Community Land Trust which owns and rents five homes in South Bank and twice a week she can be found at the South Bank Ecoshop, a community grocery that has been operating since 2020 providing affordable food for local people.

Sue believes strongly that the future of TS6 should be decided by those who live here and will be doing everything she can to ensure that the cash allocated to the TS6 Together Board is used well to deliver local priorities as agreed by local people.

Sarah Hall
Assistant Director of Housing, Beyond Housing

Sarah has over 25 years experience in housing, including in local government, government agencies and in the private sector.

At Beyond Housing she has responsibility for housing management and supported living across the Tees Valley and North Yorkshire, supporting people to succeed and thrive in their homes. She works closely with the Council and a range of external organisations through community partnership and engagement, putting people at the heart of decisions.

Growing up in Redcar and working across the North in previous roles, Sarah is committed to delivering meaningful, lasting change for people in TS6.

Dr Mark Fishpool
Programme Director, You've Got This (a Sport England Pilot)
Mark has been part of YGT since its inception in 2017 and has been Programme Director since April 2021. Funded by Sport England and hosted by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, YGT is one of twelve national place partnerships that aim to increase physical activity at a population level. YGT focusses on creating collaborative partnerships with local organisations and communities around a shared purpose of encouraging “Active Lives as a Way of Life”. This involves influencing at a policy, environmental and organisational level, to address the barriers to physical activity in our place.

YGT works across Redcar & Cleveland and Middlesbrough, and has had a particular focus on Grangetown and South Bank, with the small core programme team being based in Eston Leisure Centre.

Mark has worked on environmental sustainability and healthy living programmes for over 30 years, and is a keen commuter cyclist, walker and gardener. He is passionate about the opportunities for physical activity and high quality local green spaces in improving wellbeing and quality of life for local people.

Geraldine (Gel) Williams
Founder & CEO, Grangetown Netball

Gel is the founder of Grangetown Netball based at Grangetown YCC. Over the years Grangetown has developed into one of the top 10 clubs in England, producing performers of the highest standard.

With 40+ years in sport, Gel can see the difference sport makes to young peoples lives, and how it can tackle many of the social problems we have in our communities.

Gel is eager for the TS6 Together Board to support primary children into sport an early intervention strategy.

Liz Edwards
Co-Founder & CEO, Rubies Charity

Liz has lived in the TS6 area for over a decade having moved here from Shropshire in 2013.

She co-founded Rubies in 2017 in order to provide grassroots support across Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland after research found that girls living here are the most disadvantaged in the country.

Rubies now supports over 300 girls every year, empowering them to build self-esteem and resilience and helping them to stay safe in person and online.

Liz has over 25 years’ experience in the voluntary sector, mainly working with young people and women and girls in youth settings, refuges, supported housing and charities. She is also a qualified counsellor and has been a church leader for the past 20 years.

Liz is passionate about social justice and about challenging the perceptions and stereotypes that persist about the area she has come to call home.

Councillor Lynn Pallister
Cabinet Member for Growth & Enterprise

Lynn has been a Councillor for Grangetown since 1999 and over the past 18yrs has held Cabinet positions ranging from Neighbourhood Renewal, Health and more recently Economic Growth.

Lynn also brings 30 years’ experience in Community Development, Social Enterprise, and Neighbourhood Regeneration both within the Voluntary/Community and Public Sector.

She has been an active member on a number of Strategic Partnerships and was Chair of the Greater Eston Regeneration Board that oversaw the creation of new homes, retail , phase 1 development of the skipper’s lane industrial estate and Eston Health Village. She was also the Councils representative on the Association of Northeast Councils (ANEC) and helped produce a paper for all NE Councils to consider when tackling Youth Unemployment.

Lynn is looking forward to working with other Board members to improve people’s lives across the TS6 area. She will also work closely with the wider community to ensure YOUR voices are heard and the money we spend delivers real change across our communities.

Councillor Alec Brown
Leader of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
Alec has proudly served the residents of Redcar and Cleveland for over eight years, representing both Dormanstown and Kirkleatham Wards. Alec served as Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods between 2016 to 2019 and had oversight over the borough's highest ever recycling rates.

Alec has a passion for social value and the betterment of the area, and was truly honoured to have been elected Leader for the Council by his peers, after the most recent local elections.

Alec has a successful career behind of him, particularly in digital marketing, and will utilise these skills to help promote the work of the Council.

Emily Harrison
District Commander, Cleveland Police
Emily has been the District Commander for Redcar and Cleveland since 2023 and has worked in the area as both previously as a Neighbourhood Inspector and Chief Inspector. Having worked in the area for a number of years Emily hopes this project can bring long term reductions in crime and anti-social behaviour affecting our communities who live and work in the TS6 area. Emily is keen to work with partners to bring real solutions to the challenges faced and improve the quality of life, realising the potential of the local people and the area.
Councillor Paul Salvin
Elected Ward Member for Normanby

Paul has served as a Ward Councillor for Normanby since December 2022. He currently works for an energy firm on Wilton International site and served in the Royal Air Force in the early 2000’s within Air Traffic Control. He has a degree in Business Economics and has lived in TS6 for most of his life, bringing a wealth of local knowledge to the table.

Paul was previously Group Leader of the Conservative Party within Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council until July 2024, and will therefore use his connections locally to help get the best for TS6 going forward.

Matt Storey
Police and Crime Commissioner

Matt Storey was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland in May 2024.

Matt has spent his entire career in the public sector. He has worked in the Office of Dari Taylor, Member of Parliament for Stockton South, and as Parliamentary Office Manager to Andy McDonald MP since 2012. Matt has also worked an officer at Middlesbrough Borough Council.

Matt was a Councillor for Middlesbrough from 2016 to 2024. He represented the Central Ward. He was also Labour Group Leader from 2019 to 2023 and Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board until May 2024.

As member of the TS6 Board and the public’s voice in policing, Matt is keen to work together to improve safety, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area.

Terry Walsh
CEO, Materials Processing Institute

Terry recently took over the role of CEO at Materials Processing Institute - one of the key research and industrial organisations based within TS6. Under Terry's leadership, the Institute will remain committed to leading the charge in sustainable development and to forging partnerships that will bring about real and lasting change.

Terry joins the Institute having spent more than three decades in the chemical and manufacturing sectors, amassing a wealth of experience in strategic leadership, commercial management and business development.

Most recently, Terry was Managing Director at Ferro Duo GmbH, a German chemical manufacturing business, and previously held prominent roles at Venator Materials, INEOS, and ICI, and is now keen to share this wealth of expertise to help advocate for TS6 as a key growth area for industry.

Anna Turley MP
Elected Member of Parliament for Redcar
Anna was recently elected as the new MP for Redcar in July 2024, having previously served as the region's MP between 2015 to 2019.

As Redcar's elected MP, Anna will use her position to help further the long-term objectives and aspirations for the TS6 Together initiative, including a strong emphasis on socio-economic regeneration.

Mark Robinson
Principal, Outwood Academy Normanby

Mark is privileged to be Principal of Outwood Academy Normanby, a secondary school at the heart of the TS6 community. Everyone at Outwood Academy Normanby believes in putting students first in order to raise standards and transform lives.

Mark believes that education has the potential to be transformative, through the experiences, choices and opportunities that it offers young people. Educating, guiding and supporting young people and families within are central to Mark's aims, in partnership with others, so that every young person within TS6 can thrive and make a positive contribution to the community.

Below are representatives from across various organisations including education, police and crime, charities, community groups and elected members, who represent the TS6 community.

To sit on the Board, all TS6 Together Board Members must read and sign a Code of Conduct, Terms of Reference and Declaration of Interest forms, to meet strict transparency criteria, as set by the UK Government. To view the latest versions of these documents, please click here (for Declaration of Interest) and here (for Code of Conduct and Terms of Reference).

Name and Photo

Jason Faulkner
Deputy Chief Executive, Education Training Collective &
Principal, Redcar & Cleveland College
Chair, TS6 Together Board

Jason has over 20 years experience in Further Education, following a career in the Army spanning 14 years and serving in various countries around the world. The portfolio of educational experience encompasses 10 years as a senior manager in further Education with 5 1/2 years as the Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College.

Whilst as the Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College, Jason has turned round the fortunes of the College, putting it at the heart of its communities and serving the businesses and stakeholders to meet their skills needs.

Jason is a strong, inspirational leader with a strategic vision and a demonstrable history of success. Extensive experience of building transformational partnerships and leading organisational change. Leading on whole College activities and Group responsibilities; including Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College, Senior leader for Neta Training, and a range of Group responsibilities as part of the Education Training Collective.

Using his previous military experience of 14 years has enabled Jason, as a leader, to build trust, lead with empathy, support and be relied upon to make decisions that influence change.

Sue Jeffrey
Director, South Bank Community Land Trust

Sue has lived in the South Bank Ward of TS6 for the last 44 years. She had a long career in housing, regeneration, and regional policy at a senior level, taking early retirement in 2008.

Since that time, she has represented her area as an elected Councillor, including serving for four years as Leader of the Council 2015 – 2019.

Sue stepped down from the Council in 2023 but has retained an active role in South Bank. She is a Volunteer Director of the South Bank Community Land Trust which owns and rents five homes in South Bank and twice a week she can be found at the South Bank Ecoshop, a community grocery that has been operating since 2020 providing affordable food for local people.

Sue believes strongly that the future of TS6 should be decided by those who live here and will be doing everything she can to ensure that the cash allocated to the TS6 Together Board is used well to deliver local priorities as agreed by local people.

Sarah Hall
Assistant Director of Housing, Beyond Housing

Sarah has over 25 years experience in housing, including in local government, government agencies and in the private sector.

At Beyond Housing she has responsibility for housing management and supported living across the Tees Valley and North Yorkshire, supporting people to succeed and thrive in their homes. She works closely with the Council and a range of external organisations through community partnership and engagement, putting people at the heart of decisions.

Growing up in Redcar and working across the North in previous roles, Sarah is committed to delivering meaningful, lasting change for people in TS6.

Dr Mark Fishpool
Programme Director, You've Got This (a Sport England Pilot)
Mark has been part of YGT since its inception in 2017 and has been Programme Director since April 2021. Funded by Sport England and hosted by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, YGT is one of twelve national place partnerships that aim to increase physical activity at a population level. YGT focusses on creating collaborative partnerships with local organisations and communities around a shared purpose of encouraging “Active Lives as a Way of Life”. This involves influencing at a policy, environmental and organisational level, to address the barriers to physical activity in our place.

YGT works across Redcar & Cleveland and Middlesbrough, and has had a particular focus on Grangetown and South Bank, with the small core programme team being based in Eston Leisure Centre.

Mark has worked on environmental sustainability and healthy living programmes for over 30 years, and is a keen commuter cyclist, walker and gardener. He is passionate about the opportunities for physical activity and high quality local green spaces in improving wellbeing and quality of life for local people.

Geraldine (Gel) Williams
Founder & CEO, Grangetown Netball

Gel is the founder of Grangetown Netball based at Grangetown YCC. Over the years Grangetown has developed into one of the top 10 clubs in England, producing performers of the highest standard.

With 40+ years in sport, Gel can see the difference sport makes to young peoples lives, and how it can tackle many of the social problems we have in our communities.

Gel is eager for the TS6 Together Board to support primary children into sport an early intervention strategy.

Liz Edwards
Co-Founder & CEO, Rubies Charity

Liz has lived in the TS6 area for over a decade having moved here from Shropshire in 2013.

She co-founded Rubies in 2017 in order to provide grassroots support across Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland after research found that girls living here are the most disadvantaged in the country.

Rubies now supports over 300 girls every year, empowering them to build self-esteem and resilience and helping them to stay safe in person and online.

Liz has over 25 years’ experience in the voluntary sector, mainly working with young people and women and girls in youth settings, refuges, supported housing and charities. She is also a qualified counsellor and has been a church leader for the past 20 years.

Liz is passionate about social justice and about challenging the perceptions and stereotypes that persist about the area she has come to call home.

Councillor Lynn Pallister
Cabinet Member for Growth & Enterprise

Lynn has been a Councillor for Grangetown since 1999 and over the past 18yrs has held Cabinet positions ranging from Neighbourhood Renewal, Health and more recently Economic Growth.

Lynn also brings 30 years’ experience in Community Development, Social Enterprise, and Neighbourhood Regeneration both within the Voluntary/Community and Public Sector.

She has been an active member on a number of Strategic Partnerships and was Chair of the Greater Eston Regeneration Board that oversaw the creation of new homes, retail , phase 1 development of the skipper’s lane industrial estate and Eston Health Village. She was also the Councils representative on the Association of Northeast Councils (ANEC) and helped produce a paper for all NE Councils to consider when tackling Youth Unemployment.

Lynn is looking forward to working with other Board members to improve people’s lives across the TS6 area. She will also work closely with the wider community to ensure YOUR voices are heard and the money we spend delivers real change across our communities.

Councillor Alec Brown
Leader of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council
Alec has proudly served the residents of Redcar and Cleveland for over eight years, representing both Dormanstown and Kirkleatham Wards. Alec served as Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods between 2016 to 2019 and had oversight over the borough's highest ever recycling rates.

Alec has a passion for social value and the betterment of the area, and was truly honoured to have been elected Leader for the Council by his peers, after the most recent local elections.

Alec has a successful career behind of him, particularly in digital marketing, and will utilise these skills to help promote the work of the Council.

Emily Harrison
District Commander, Cleveland Police
Emily has been the District Commander for Redcar and Cleveland since 2023 and has worked in the area as both previously as a Neighbourhood Inspector and Chief Inspector. Having worked in the area for a number of years Emily hopes this project can bring long term reductions in crime and anti-social behaviour affecting our communities who live and work in the TS6 area. Emily is keen to work with partners to bring real solutions to the challenges faced and improve the quality of life, realising the potential of the local people and the area.
Councillor Paul Salvin
Elected Ward Member for Normanby

Paul has served as a Ward Councillor for Normanby since December 2022. He currently works for an energy firm on Wilton International site and served in the Royal Air Force in the early 2000’s within Air Traffic Control. He has a degree in Business Economics and has lived in TS6 for most of his life, bringing a wealth of local knowledge to the table.

Paul was previously Group Leader of the Conservative Party within Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council until July 2024, and will therefore use his connections locally to help get the best for TS6 going forward.

Matt Storey
Police and Crime Commissioner

Matt Storey was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland in May 2024.

Matt has spent his entire career in the public sector. He has worked in the Office of Dari Taylor, Member of Parliament for Stockton South, and as Parliamentary Office Manager to Andy McDonald MP since 2012. Matt has also worked an officer at Middlesbrough Borough Council.

Matt was a Councillor for Middlesbrough from 2016 to 2024. He represented the Central Ward. He was also Labour Group Leader from 2019 to 2023 and Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board until May 2024.

As member of the TS6 Board and the public’s voice in policing, Matt is keen to work together to improve safety, reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the area.

Terry Walsh
CEO, Materials Processing Institute

Terry recently took over the role of CEO at Materials Processing Institute - one of the key research and industrial organisations based within TS6. Under Terry's leadership, the Institute will remain committed to leading the charge in sustainable development and to forging partnerships that will bring about real and lasting change.

Terry joins the Institute having spent more than three decades in the chemical and manufacturing sectors, amassing a wealth of experience in strategic leadership, commercial management and business development.

Most recently, Terry was Managing Director at Ferro Duo GmbH, a German chemical manufacturing business, and previously held prominent roles at Venator Materials, INEOS, and ICI, and is now keen to share this wealth of expertise to help advocate for TS6 as a key growth area for industry.

Anna Turley MP
Elected Member of Parliament for Redcar
Anna was recently elected as the new MP for Redcar in July 2024, having previously served as the region's MP between 2015 to 2019.

As Redcar's elected MP, Anna will use her position to help further the long-term objectives and aspirations for the TS6 Together initiative, including a strong emphasis on socio-economic regeneration.

Mark Robinson
Principal, Outwood Academy Normanby

Mark is privileged to be Principal of Outwood Academy Normanby, a secondary school at the heart of the TS6 community. Everyone at Outwood Academy Normanby believes in putting students first in order to raise standards and transform lives.

Mark believes that education has the potential to be transformative, through the experiences, choices and opportunities that it offers young people. Educating, guiding and supporting young people and families within are central to Mark's aims, in partnership with others, so that every young person within TS6 can thrive and make a positive contribution to the community.

TS6 Together Board - Your Questions

Have any questions about the TS6 Together Board? Please leave them here and one of our representatives will get back to you as soon as possible.

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  • Share After reading the profiles of board members, quite a few of you state that you have the health of people living in TS6, at the front of your minds, with this in mind and given the objections raised against incineration of various materials here in TS6, has any board members got any views on the effects of pollution, on the people living in TS6. on Facebook Share After reading the profiles of board members, quite a few of you state that you have the health of people living in TS6, at the front of your minds, with this in mind and given the objections raised against incineration of various materials here in TS6, has any board members got any views on the effects of pollution, on the people living in TS6. on Twitter Share After reading the profiles of board members, quite a few of you state that you have the health of people living in TS6, at the front of your minds, with this in mind and given the objections raised against incineration of various materials here in TS6, has any board members got any views on the effects of pollution, on the people living in TS6. on Linkedin Email After reading the profiles of board members, quite a few of you state that you have the health of people living in TS6, at the front of your minds, with this in mind and given the objections raised against incineration of various materials here in TS6, has any board members got any views on the effects of pollution, on the people living in TS6. link

    After reading the profiles of board members, quite a few of you state that you have the health of people living in TS6, at the front of your minds, with this in mind and given the objections raised against incineration of various materials here in TS6, has any board members got any views on the effects of pollution, on the people living in TS6.

    Mick Johnstone. asked 22 days ago

    Dear Mick,

    Thank you for your question.

    The TS6 Board are not in a position to comment on this topic, however, we would encourage you to raise your concerns via the TS6 Together survey (click here: TS6 Together - Summer Survey, 2024 | YourVoiceMatters), if you have not already done so. Responses feed into the priorities for TS6, including the long-term vision and action plan.

    Kind Regards,
    TS6 Together Project Team

  • Share I’m the chairman of South Bank AFC, we are wanting to bring football back to the community utilising harcourt Road playing field. Bringing football back to all ages, can you help with this? on Facebook Share I’m the chairman of South Bank AFC, we are wanting to bring football back to the community utilising harcourt Road playing field. Bringing football back to all ages, can you help with this? on Twitter Share I’m the chairman of South Bank AFC, we are wanting to bring football back to the community utilising harcourt Road playing field. Bringing football back to all ages, can you help with this? on Linkedin Email I’m the chairman of South Bank AFC, we are wanting to bring football back to the community utilising harcourt Road playing field. Bringing football back to all ages, can you help with this? link

    I’m the chairman of South Bank AFC, we are wanting to bring football back to the community utilising harcourt Road playing field. Bringing football back to all ages, can you help with this?

    Jacob asked 22 days ago

    Dear Jacob,

    Thank you for getting in touch.

    Please can you send us your contact details to EstonTownDeal@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk and we will be in touch.

    Kind Regards,
    TS6 Together Project Team

Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 02:29 PM