Tri-X Survey

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Consultation has concluded

We would like to gather feedback from all Adult Social Care staff and find out if you use the Tri-X portal.

This survey has been developed to gain your views of the Tri-X portal, its functionality, how easy it is to use, what you like about it and any suggestions for improvement.

We would be most grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete the survey; it won’t take long to complete, and we will use your feedback to make improvements to the portal where necessary.

The survey will close on 5th April 2023.

We would like to gather feedback from all Adult Social Care staff and find out if you use the Tri-X portal.

This survey has been developed to gain your views of the Tri-X portal, its functionality, how easy it is to use, what you like about it and any suggestions for improvement.

We would be most grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete the survey; it won’t take long to complete, and we will use your feedback to make improvements to the portal where necessary.

The survey will close on 5th April 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to gather feedback from all Adult Social Care staff and find out if you use the Tri-X portal. 

    This survey has been developed to gain your views of the Tri-X portal, its functionality, how easy it is to use, what you like about it and any suggestions for improvement.

    We would be most grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete the survey; it won’t take long to complete, and we will use your feedback to make improvements to the portal where necessary. 

    The survey will close on 5th April 2023. 

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Tri-X Survey on Facebook Share Tri-X Survey on Twitter Share Tri-X Survey on Linkedin Email Tri-X Survey link