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Redcar Town Centre Survey (Residents and Visitors) - 2024

Welcome to the second Redcar town centre survey!

The aim of this survey is to determine how well Redcar town centre currently serves the needs of local residents and visitors.

Your responses will support the Redcar Town Deal Board in determining how they can help improve Redcar town centre.

This survey will be repeated on an annual basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed town centre improvements.

It is estimated that the survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Maximum 50 characters



How would you describe yourself?


How old are you?


How has Redcar town centre changed over the previous year?


How often do you visit Redcar Town Centre?

* required

What is the main reason you visit Redcar town centre for and what other reasons do you visit? Please tick all that apply:

* required

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Redcar town centre in meeting your needs?

* required
General feeling of vibrancy
Attractions in the town centre other than shopping
Number and range of places to eat
Evening entertainment
Retail offer
Range of public events and festivals
Public transport
Variety of general market
Art, culture and heritage
Frequency of specialist markets
Public events and festivals
Public toilets
Amenities (such as toilets)
Frequency and range of events
Signs, maps and information points
Directional signage (such as maps and public information)
Pubs and bars
Market stall traders
Events and festivals
Quality of public space
Pubs and bars
Frequency and quality of markets
Entertainment and leisure
Evening entertainment
Services (such as banks)
Car parking

Please tick any of the following aspects of Redcar Town Centre that you like:

* required

How likely are you to recommend Redcar town centre to family or friends?

* required
Feeling of safety and security during the day
How has your perception of safety and security changed over the previous year?
Safety and security of shops
Feeling of safety and security during the night
Safety and security of pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés
Perception of safety and security over the past 12 months in Redcar Town Centre

How has safety and security felt in Redcar town centre over the past 12 months?


What are the main issues with safety and security in Redcar town centre?

General ease of getting around Redcar town centre
Amount of traffic
Public transport
Disability/pushchair/mobility scooter access and provision
Cycle lanes

Do you know where to get information about the proposed improvements to Redcar town centre?

Maximum 255 characters


Anything you think is good about Redcar that hasn't been covered above?

Are you aware of the proposed improvements for Redcar Town Centre?


What is the best way to keep you up to date with the town centre improvements?

Thank you!

Thank you for taking part in the survey. Your answers will help build an understanding of Redcar town centre moving forward.