Redcar Town Deal Board

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The Town Deal Board are a group of stakeholders who have volunteered to support the development of the investment plan. Industry experts, business leaders and community leaders in the Town, these people will provide guidance to the Council as the investment plan begins to take shape.

The papers for the Redcar Town Deal Board can be found on Redcar Cleveland’s Cabinet and Committee Papers page:

Members of the Board consist of the following:

Catherine Clennett - Town Deal Board Chair
Director of People, Beyond Housing

Catherine recently joined the board and is excited to be involved in something that will have such a huge impact on the town. Catherine lives in Guisborough and works in Redcar, and her personal values are about helping people to achieve their full potential, hence Catherine’s role at Beyond Housing (the main provider of social housing in the Redcar and Cleveland area).

Part of Catherine’s role at BH is to deliver an employability agenda to support people in our communities into good quality employment. Catherine’s other passions are around health and wellbeing – she has been a run coach and cycle guide leader, and is really keen on improving both physical and mental health. Catherine is therefore enthusiastic about projects that encourage people to come together, to connect, to move more and enjoy the benefits of outdoor spaces.

The Town Deal project is a unique opportunity to deliver transformed local spaces in Redcar that will boost employment and opportunities for leisure, social connection, wellbeing and training.

Stella Hall - Town Deal Board Vice-Chair
Director, Festival of Thrift

Stella Hall FRSA, has a passion for connecting people and place through culture. She is now freelance. As Deputy Director, Newcastle Gateshead Initiative, she led the Culture10 programme of events across the North East. In 2013 she co-founded the hugely popular Festival of Thrift in Redcar which celebrates building creative communities through sustainable living.

Alongside arts, culture and placemaking consultancies she regularly mentors’ younger professionals across the UK. She loves Redcar and Cleveland for its contrasting landscapes, urban and rural, its warm and welcoming people and for its commitment to our sustainable future.

Andrew Carter
Assistant Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Andrew Carter is the Assistant Director Economic Growth at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. Andrew has a multidisciplinary professional background and is a Chartered Town Planner having worked in Local Government for the last 15 years, managed Planning, Housing, Learning & Skills, Economic Growth, Regeneration Projects, Estates & Asset Management and Museums & Performance Venues teams.

Previously, Andrew worked as a geologist at the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust and started his professional working life as a Secondary School teacher. In his spare time Andrew enjoys the outdoors with family and friends making the most of the exceptional cycling and walking opportunities in Redcar & Cleveland, particularly Guisborough Woods and the coastal Cleveland Way routes.

Matt Parsons
External Affairs General Manager, Anglo American

Matt Parsons is General Manager External Affairs for Anglo American’s Woodmsith Project, which he has been part of for the last nine years. Matt is also a member of Redcar Cleveland Place Board. Having spent his working life involved with projects that aim to support social and economic development, he is excited to be part of the Town Deal Board. Matt fell in love with the area having moved from down south almost twenty years ago. He is not going back!

Jason Faulkner
Principal, Redcar and Cleveland College

Jason Faulkner is the Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College, a member of the Redcar Ambassadors Board and the Vice Chair of Freebrough Academy Council. After spending 14 years in the military Jason came back to Teesside and embarked on a career in education.

The power of education has helped transform his life, he now uses education and his role as Principal to ensure Redcar and Cleveland has a College that is vibrant, high performing and delivers real skills for real jobs.

John Sampson
Managing Director, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

John Sampson has been employed by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council since April 2009 and commenced his current role as Managing Director in 2019.

Over the years he has worked in various roles within the Council and has gained a vast knowledge about the borough and its residents.

John has responsibility for an organisation employing over 2,200 employees with a gross spend of circa. £300 million per annum, and represents the Council on a range of boards and partnerships, including The South Tees Site Company (employee Trust) and ARCC (a CIC Probation service for Durham & Tees Valley), where he is both a board member and the chair of the Audit Committee. John believes in delivering our best and has some bold and ambitious plans for Redcar and Cleveland.

John Anthony
Trustee, Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency

John has been retired for nearly 7 years. He is currently Vice-chair of Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency but previously served as Chief Education Officer with Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council from 2012 – 2016 having been a successful secondary school headteacher both in this borough and in South Lincolnshire. John represents the voluntary sector on the Town Board and is keen to see the investment in the town leading to residents living happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives. Since his retirement John has embraced his love of travel, golf and of course his family.

Lynn Pallister
Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Councillor Lynn Pallister is the current Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and has represented the Grangetown Ward since 1999 and has previously been responsible for Health, Housing and Neighbourhood Renewal across three Council administrations. Lynn has also worked in Community Development and Neighbourhood Management for the past 25yrs and currently manages a thriving community enterprise. Most recently, Lynn has served as the Vice Chair of the Adults, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny & Improvement Committee until May 2023.

In her new role as Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Lynn is aiming to use the skills and experience she has gained over many years to ensure Redcar is not forgotten when government funding is allocated, and that - through the Town Deal - Redcar can attract new businesses and grow the green energy industry. A key priority is to use this opportunity to ensure young people and adults have the right education, training and skills to benefit from the exciting job opportunities in the borough.

Alec Brown
Leader of the Council, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Councillor Alec Brown was appointed Leader of the Council on 25 May 2023 having previously been responsible for Neighbourhoods from 2016 to 2019. Councillor Brown currently represents Kirkleatham Ward having represented Dormanstown from 2015 to 2019.

Jenny Archer
Local business owner

Jenny Archer is local business person with a young family. Having worked within the public sector for 12 years, she now owns three businesses in Redcar and Cleveland.

Jenny is always looking to make improvements and sees investing in employees as hugely important and critical for any organisation.

Jenny is extremely keen to see Redcar and Cleveland fulfil its potential for residents and visitors alike. This focus is the reason she has come onto the Town Deal board, wishing to share her experiences from owning multiple businesses and employing many people over the years.

Beth Major
Chief Executive, The Junction Foundation

Beth Major is the Chief Executive of The Junction Foundation, a well-respected, local children, young people and families charity and has worked lead services children and young people for over 25 years.

A huge part of the role of leading the charity is understanding local needs, developing services with people that address those needs and ensuring local people are able to thrive and achieve better whole life time outcomes. Beth is also passionate about raising aspirations and ensuring young people have a voice in local issues and developments.

The Town Deal Project offers the opportunity to make a real difference to employment opportunities, businesses and the attractiveness of Redcar as a destination boosting the local economy. This can only benefit local children and young people’s prospects.

Anna Turley
Member of Parliament for Redcar
Anna was recently elected as the new MP for Redcar in July 2024, having previously served as the region's MP between 2015 to 2019.

As Redcar's elected MP, Anna will use her position to help further the long-term objectives and aspirations for Redcar Town Deal, including a strong emphasis on socio-economic regeneration.

The Town Deal Board are a group of stakeholders who have volunteered to support the development of the investment plan. Industry experts, business leaders and community leaders in the Town, these people will provide guidance to the Council as the investment plan begins to take shape.

The papers for the Redcar Town Deal Board can be found on Redcar Cleveland’s Cabinet and Committee Papers page:

Members of the Board consist of the following:

Catherine Clennett - Town Deal Board Chair
Director of People, Beyond Housing

Catherine recently joined the board and is excited to be involved in something that will have such a huge impact on the town. Catherine lives in Guisborough and works in Redcar, and her personal values are about helping people to achieve their full potential, hence Catherine’s role at Beyond Housing (the main provider of social housing in the Redcar and Cleveland area).

Part of Catherine’s role at BH is to deliver an employability agenda to support people in our communities into good quality employment. Catherine’s other passions are around health and wellbeing – she has been a run coach and cycle guide leader, and is really keen on improving both physical and mental health. Catherine is therefore enthusiastic about projects that encourage people to come together, to connect, to move more and enjoy the benefits of outdoor spaces.

The Town Deal project is a unique opportunity to deliver transformed local spaces in Redcar that will boost employment and opportunities for leisure, social connection, wellbeing and training.

Stella Hall - Town Deal Board Vice-Chair
Director, Festival of Thrift

Stella Hall FRSA, has a passion for connecting people and place through culture. She is now freelance. As Deputy Director, Newcastle Gateshead Initiative, she led the Culture10 programme of events across the North East. In 2013 she co-founded the hugely popular Festival of Thrift in Redcar which celebrates building creative communities through sustainable living.

Alongside arts, culture and placemaking consultancies she regularly mentors’ younger professionals across the UK. She loves Redcar and Cleveland for its contrasting landscapes, urban and rural, its warm and welcoming people and for its commitment to our sustainable future.

Andrew Carter
Assistant Director for Growth, Enterprise and Environment, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Andrew Carter is the Assistant Director Economic Growth at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. Andrew has a multidisciplinary professional background and is a Chartered Town Planner having worked in Local Government for the last 15 years, managed Planning, Housing, Learning & Skills, Economic Growth, Regeneration Projects, Estates & Asset Management and Museums & Performance Venues teams.

Previously, Andrew worked as a geologist at the Tees Valley Wildlife Trust and started his professional working life as a Secondary School teacher. In his spare time Andrew enjoys the outdoors with family and friends making the most of the exceptional cycling and walking opportunities in Redcar & Cleveland, particularly Guisborough Woods and the coastal Cleveland Way routes.

Matt Parsons
External Affairs General Manager, Anglo American

Matt Parsons is General Manager External Affairs for Anglo American’s Woodmsith Project, which he has been part of for the last nine years. Matt is also a member of Redcar Cleveland Place Board. Having spent his working life involved with projects that aim to support social and economic development, he is excited to be part of the Town Deal Board. Matt fell in love with the area having moved from down south almost twenty years ago. He is not going back!

Jason Faulkner
Principal, Redcar and Cleveland College

Jason Faulkner is the Principal of Redcar and Cleveland College, a member of the Redcar Ambassadors Board and the Vice Chair of Freebrough Academy Council. After spending 14 years in the military Jason came back to Teesside and embarked on a career in education.

The power of education has helped transform his life, he now uses education and his role as Principal to ensure Redcar and Cleveland has a College that is vibrant, high performing and delivers real skills for real jobs.

John Sampson
Managing Director, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

John Sampson has been employed by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council since April 2009 and commenced his current role as Managing Director in 2019.

Over the years he has worked in various roles within the Council and has gained a vast knowledge about the borough and its residents.

John has responsibility for an organisation employing over 2,200 employees with a gross spend of circa. £300 million per annum, and represents the Council on a range of boards and partnerships, including The South Tees Site Company (employee Trust) and ARCC (a CIC Probation service for Durham & Tees Valley), where he is both a board member and the chair of the Audit Committee. John believes in delivering our best and has some bold and ambitious plans for Redcar and Cleveland.

John Anthony
Trustee, Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency

John has been retired for nearly 7 years. He is currently Vice-chair of Redcar and Cleveland Voluntary Development Agency but previously served as Chief Education Officer with Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council from 2012 – 2016 having been a successful secondary school headteacher both in this borough and in South Lincolnshire. John represents the voluntary sector on the Town Board and is keen to see the investment in the town leading to residents living happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives. Since his retirement John has embraced his love of travel, golf and of course his family.

Lynn Pallister
Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Councillor Lynn Pallister is the current Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and has represented the Grangetown Ward since 1999 and has previously been responsible for Health, Housing and Neighbourhood Renewal across three Council administrations. Lynn has also worked in Community Development and Neighbourhood Management for the past 25yrs and currently manages a thriving community enterprise. Most recently, Lynn has served as the Vice Chair of the Adults, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny & Improvement Committee until May 2023.

In her new role as Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Lynn is aiming to use the skills and experience she has gained over many years to ensure Redcar is not forgotten when government funding is allocated, and that - through the Town Deal - Redcar can attract new businesses and grow the green energy industry. A key priority is to use this opportunity to ensure young people and adults have the right education, training and skills to benefit from the exciting job opportunities in the borough.

Alec Brown
Leader of the Council, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council

Councillor Alec Brown was appointed Leader of the Council on 25 May 2023 having previously been responsible for Neighbourhoods from 2016 to 2019. Councillor Brown currently represents Kirkleatham Ward having represented Dormanstown from 2015 to 2019.

Jenny Archer
Local business owner

Jenny Archer is local business person with a young family. Having worked within the public sector for 12 years, she now owns three businesses in Redcar and Cleveland.

Jenny is always looking to make improvements and sees investing in employees as hugely important and critical for any organisation.

Jenny is extremely keen to see Redcar and Cleveland fulfil its potential for residents and visitors alike. This focus is the reason she has come onto the Town Deal board, wishing to share her experiences from owning multiple businesses and employing many people over the years.

Beth Major
Chief Executive, The Junction Foundation

Beth Major is the Chief Executive of The Junction Foundation, a well-respected, local children, young people and families charity and has worked lead services children and young people for over 25 years.

A huge part of the role of leading the charity is understanding local needs, developing services with people that address those needs and ensuring local people are able to thrive and achieve better whole life time outcomes. Beth is also passionate about raising aspirations and ensuring young people have a voice in local issues and developments.

The Town Deal Project offers the opportunity to make a real difference to employment opportunities, businesses and the attractiveness of Redcar as a destination boosting the local economy. This can only benefit local children and young people’s prospects.

Anna Turley
Member of Parliament for Redcar
Anna was recently elected as the new MP for Redcar in July 2024, having previously served as the region's MP between 2015 to 2019.

As Redcar's elected MP, Anna will use her position to help further the long-term objectives and aspirations for Redcar Town Deal, including a strong emphasis on socio-economic regeneration.

Town Deal Board Questions

Please feel free to ask the project team any questions about the Town Deal Board. We will aim to respond as soon as we can.

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Page last updated: 24 Jan 2025, 12:44 PM