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Town Centre Business Health Check - Summer 2024

Welcome to the second Redcar town centre business health check survey!

The aim of this survey is to determine how well Redcar town centre currently serves the needs of local businesses.

Your responses will support the Redcar Town Deal Board in determining how they can help improve trading conditions within the town centre.

This survey will be repeated on an annual basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed town centre improvements.

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 50 characters



Tick the box which best describes your business:

Maximum 255 characters



For how long has your business operated in Redcar town centre?

Number of full-time staff
Number of part-time staff

Are you considering changes to your business in the next 2 years?

Over the previous year
Over the previous three years
Over the next year
Over the next three years

In overall terms, how satisfied are you with Redcar town centre in meeting the needs of local businesses?

General attractiveness of the town centre
General maintenance- cleanliness of streets
Seating and areas to congregate
Pavement quality
Greenery (trees and planting)
Amount and appropriateness of public art
Impact of vacant sites and buildings
Signs, maps and information
General feeling of vibrancy
Attractions in the town centre other than shopping
Number and range of places to eat
Evening entertainment
Retail offer
Range of public events and festivals
Variety of general market
Frequency of specialist markets
Amenities such as toilets
Feeling of safety and security during the day
Feeling of safety and security at night

How has your perception of safety and security changed over the previous year?


What are the main issues with safety and security in Redcar town centre? Tick all that apply:


In your opinion, how effective is Redcar town centre at drawing people in from outside the immediate area?


How satisfied are you with the current level of collaboration between the Council and businesses in Redcar town centre?


Are you aware of the proposed improvements for Redcar town centre?


Do you know where you can get information about the proposed improvements for Redcar town centre from?


What is the best way to keep you up to date with the town centre improvements?

Maximum 255 characters


Maximum 255 characters


Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey. Your answers will help build an understanding of the health of Redcar town centre moving forward.