Enjoy A Taste of Redcar and Cleveland - Sign Up

Please complete the following form to participate in the next 'Enjoy A Taste of Redcar and Cleveland'.

Maximum 255 characters


For public use.

Maximum 255 characters


For public use.

Maximum 255 characters


For public use.
This will be featured online as a summary.

Which cuisine/s best describe your business?

* required
Please select all that apply.

Which price point/s will you be offering? 

* required
Please ensure your offer/s align with the price points above. You can choose to offer one, all or a combination of price points. Please select all that apply.
Please ensure that your offer/s align with the price points provided. For example 3 courses for £20 or Full English Breakfast and a hot drink for £5.00. You can offer multiple offers from multiple price points.
Select option

Maximum 255 characters


Not for public use.

Maximum 15 characters


Not for public use.
Not for public use.

Would you like to receive printed promotional materials of your offer/s to display in your premises? 

* required
Select option

Professional photography will only be available to businesses new to the campaign, to those that did not request it in a previous campaign or to businesses that have made significant changes to the exterior/interior of their establishment.

 As a participant of Taste and Redcar and Cleveland you agree to:

Honour agreed offer/s throughout the period of 28th February - 10th March 2024. 

Agree to promote the Taste of Redcar and Cleveland campaign within your establishment and social media channels during and the lead up to the campaign. 

Agree to encourage consumer feedback, by displaying consumer feedback cards.

Agree to complete the impact survey provided by Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council at the end of the campaign.

Agree to provide a suitable images to support promotion of the campaign.

* required