Please tell us your name
Have you noticed a change in quality of assessment?
Have you noticed any change in the quality of support planning?
When reading the Conversation Record, could you easily identify the adults needs and desired outcomes?
Have you noticed any inconsistencies in how different practitioners apply the Conversation Record?
Have you noticed any significant changes in productivity or efficiency in staff involved in the pilot?
Do you think the Conversation Record provides all the required statutory data?
How do you feel the timescales for completing assessments with the new tool compares to the previous method?
How has the Conversation Record impacted on the practitioners involved in the pilots workflow and allocation?
What feedback have you received from the practitioners involved in the pilot regarding the Conversation Record?
What additional support or resources do you think are needed to improve the implementation of a new tool?
What are your views on the overall effectiveness of the Conversation Record?
How has the shift to a more conversational and flexible assessment approach impacted on the practitioner’s confidence and performance?